London calling, in the height of the Blitz. German bombing of the city has been intense yet intermittent, but the citizens are resolved to outlast and persist. Your team of firefighters and emergency responders has spent nearly twelve hours on call, watching the skies and listening for the shriek of sirens. It’s just after 6 PM, and your shift will end in less than half an hour. Or at least it would have, if the sirens hadn’t just spun up!
It's the night of December 29th – 30th, 1940. You’re about to do battle with, though you don’t quite know it yet, the Second Great Fire of London. Good luck and godspeed, fire watch!
This one-shot scenario will be using the Cypher System Revised Edition and the First Responders supplement. Experience is not necessary – the system is quick and intuitive to learn. Pregenerated characters will be provided.
Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be using the Cypher System by Monte Cook Games, and the First Responders supplement for said system. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though some dice (d20, d6, and d100) and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or to shoot me an email!