Cat Island Wildlife Refuge, not terribly far outside Baton Rouge, doesn't usually host many fatalities in any given year - but no fewer than three people have gone missing in the last three weeks. Quietly, through back channels, the US Fish & Wildlife Service has put out a call for big game hunters to come to the area, and clarified that "missing" in these cases means "missing enough bits and pieces when found that it's easier to just list them as missing until this is resolved". They seem to think it might be some sort of exotic animal escaped from a zoo or from being someone's conversation pet.
Your group of vigilante monster hunters knows there are things out there far stranger and more dangerous than that explanation, and this has all the hallmarks of being your sort of situation. If you don't step in to stop this, there could be far more people going missing...
Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be Monster of the Week, using the Powered By the Apocalypse rules engine. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though a pair of six-sided dice and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or shoot me an email!