Here is the player packet as of now:
10th Edition Tournament Doubles Gen Con 2024
80% Hobby 20% Battle
Pariah Companion Mission Rules
Round 1. TBA
Round 2. TBA
Round 3. TBA
Pariah Format Addendum: As of creating this player pack, we feel that Secret Mission cards do not interact well with our format in a competitive setting, so we are not allowing them to be played.
Round Time
15 minutes of pregame. This covers list overview and terrain setup.
Each round will be 2:45 minutes of game time.
Hard dice down will be enforced due to the time constraints of LVO, we can make exceptions for finalizing a score, like taking 5 minutes to finish a turn. But we cannot let games go into break times or past the end of the final round. We recommend using some type of game clock or timer.
List Comp
1000 points per player. Rule of 2 for datasheets that are not battleline or dedicated transports.
Army rules do not cross over between players unless all keywords are met. example) a Chaos Space Marine stratagem cannot be used on an Aeldari unit, even though it might contain the phrase “a unit in your army,” etc.
"Buffs" must also be kept within a player's army. Or have all the correct keywords. Example: a chapter master cannot give out his buff to the player's partner's units unless they match the keyword.
Designer Commentary is taken as rules intent and is in play. If you don't know, please read through relevant faqs and errata on the Warhammer Community website, and check both the faq and downloads tab.
If you have questions pre-event please email the TO at
At the event, when a judge is needed please call for one. The first response of a judge will always be "Show me the rule in question in the relevant source," ie. Codex, core rules, faq. Digital sources are allowed, excluding the Battlescribe app, as it is riddled with errors and paraphrasing.
The terrain format will be "make a fair table". This means that both pairs will place terrain quickly and intend to make a fair table for both sides without wasting time. Our event intends to be competitive while maintaining a high level of sportsmanship. The players should find an agreement quickly and amicably. Do not spend 30 minutes meticulously placing terrain; make a fair table. Please spend no more than 10 minutes setting up or moving terrain around. More details on terrain rules etc, will be given at the event.
Players should utilize the ten minutes of table set up to agree on which terrain pieces have which keywords. As a catch-all ruling, "first-floor blocks Line of Sight" is in play for Ruins. If a piece of terrain has a base plate, that is the "outline" for the area. If it does not have a base plate, the outline is the shape. Ie, if a ruin is a two-walled piece, its outline is a triangle. Think of a rubber band stretching around the piece. Touching the outline is considered "Within Area Terrain".
If FLG has set layout tables in accordance with GW guidelines, we will use those.
• A team is composed of 2 separate 1000-point rosters.
• Each player must use the current rules for army construction at 1000 points.
• Each Player has a warlord & both warlords count as such on the table for all rules purposes.
• Each player adds their own forces CP to the team's starting total once the game starts.
• The team only generates CP as a single army would under normal circumstances.
• The team is considered “friendly” for rules purposes. Any ability, stratagem, psychic power, etc., that has the appropriate keywords can affect both players' units.
• Please bring a physical roster or a digital copy. There are no online list submissions.
• Battle points (BPs) are on a simple 100-point scale.
• The lowest BP across 3 games is a 30 because “Battle Ready”
• The highest BP score achievable is 300.
• That means a team can earn hobby points in 2 major ways.
• 750 Painting Points (PP)
• 250 Sportsmanship Points (SP)
• BP will be entered into the Best Coast Pairings APP by the players.
• Whoever purchased the tickets will show up in the BCP as the captain.
• Unfortunately, there is no “team name” at this time, so feel free to use the “team/club” line in BCP to represent your unique team name.
• Please fill out any scorecards with your captain's name, NOT the “team name”.
• Please download BCP.
• You will need to hand in sportsmanship scores each round.
All teams will be given the default bronze painting score. This is for being battle-ready.
Upon registration please indicate to our staff if your army requires special judging because you believe it meets the silver or above painting criteria. We will score the armies during registration and then again during lunch if we miss you.
• Bronze = 50
• Silver = 125
• Gold = 250
PAINT / HOBBY / THEME (See below for paint judging breakdown for scoring)
• Bronze Battle Ready = 230
• Silver Battle ReadyPLUS = 500
• Gold Display Quality = 700
• Platinum Display QualityPLUS = 750
Battle Ready: Every model is painted and based (if appropriate) with no exceptions to at least the barest standard.
Battle ReadyPLUS: The army meets the battle-ready standard, and every model showcases some form of highlighting & shading with no exceptions.
Display Quality: The army meets the previous standards & features a custom diorama-style display board and not just a fancy tray with a game mat or random terrain.
Display QualityPLUS: This is awarded to the winner of the “best painted” award based on our judge's personal opinions and is 100% subjective.
Tag Team Champions, AKA “BEST OVERALL”
This team has the highest total score.
(BP will determine tie-breakers)
Best Generals
This team has the highest total battle score.
Best Painted
This team has the highest painting score.
Best Sportsmanship
This team has the highest total sportsmanship score.
(BP will determine tie-breakers)
Best Theme
This team did something wild AF, and this was determined at the judge's discretion.
Event FAQ. This event will use the most up to date FAQ and Errata from GW
Upon registration please indicate to our staff if your army requires special judging because you believe it meets the silver or above painting criteria. We will score the armies during registration and then again during lunch if we missed you via a separate sign-up sheet.
All teams will be given the default bronze painting score.
This is for being Battle Ready.
You must request a painting judgment to advance your score. Don’t worry we will remind you but please be certain you meet the criteria. We have a limited staff usually consisting of Kenny Boucher and some generous volunteers.
Battle Ready (aka Bronze) Every model is painted and based (if appropriate) with no exceptions to at least the barest standard. All teams will be given the default bronze painting score.
Battle ReadyPLUS (aka Silver): The army meets the battle ready standard and also every model showcases any form of highlighting & shading with no exceptions.
Examples of highlighting:
Not all of these need to be presented. Any highlighting counts, not just these.
• Airbrushing viewable transitions.
• Dry brushing raised surfaces.
• Edge highlighting.
• Wet blending/glazing transitions.
Examples of Shading:
Not all of these need to be presented. Any shading counts, not just these.
• Washing the recesses.
• Panel lining or pin washing the recesses.
• Dark dramatic transitions via any means like wet blending, glazing, and airbrushing are fine but you should not leave out the details. If your bolters and ammo belts are just blocked in a single color with no shades in the recesses or obvious contrast you know that you cut corners so don’t argue with Kenny.
Display Quality (aka Gold): The army meets the previous standards & features a custom diorama style display board and not just a fancy tray with a game mat or random terrain.
Display Quality PLUS: This is awarded to the winner of the “best painted” award based on our judges personal opinions and is 100% subjective.