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Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
London calling, in the height of the Blitz. German bombing of the city has been intense yet intermittent, but the citizens are resolved to outlast and persist. Your team of firefighters and emergency responders has spent nearly twelve hours on call, watching the skies and listening for the shriek of sirens. It’s just after 6 PM, and your shift will end in less than half an hour. Or at least it would have, if the sirens hadn’t just spun up! It's the night of December 29th – 30th, 1940. You’re about to do battle with, though you don’t quite know it yet, the Second Great Fire of London. Good luck and godspeed, fire watch! This one-shot scenario will be using the Cypher System Revised Edition and the First Responders supplement. Experience is not necessary – the system is quick and intuitive to learn. Pregenerated characters will be provided. Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be using the Cypher System by Monte Cook Games, and the First Responders supplement for said system. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though some dice (d20, d6, and d100) and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or to shoot me an email!
Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
A friend of yours, one Captain Eder Blevens, makes a seasonal trade run along the Saber River twice a year. She hauls grain, ore, and root vegetables north to Moonbright, and returns with a barge full of quality timber. Ordinarily, this is roughly as eventful as the tide coming in and going out. This time, however, the captain is concerned about rumors of kobold activity in the wooded stretch along the river just outside her intended destination. She’s paying well for your party of seasoned adventurers to ride along, just in case rumor becomes reality. Naturally, an offer of free travel plus pay seemed like easy money, and it has been. The barge is putting in at Moonbright, and all has been calm and quiet. You’ve three to four days in town before the barge sets back out onto the river, but what trouble could a small logging town in the middle of nowhere possibly offer? Tales Of The Valiant is an OGL-compliant spin of the D20 system that also powers D&D 5e, and uses the same dice – 4-sided through 20-sided. No experience necessary, pregenerated characters will be provided. Thank you for signing up for my game! This game was originally scheduled while Tales Of The Valiant was in an alpha pre-release state, and will be updated to reflect the ruleset from the full release projected to deliver sometime in April 2024. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though a set of D20 System dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20) and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or shoot me an email!
Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
Doskvol, dark jewel of the Imperium, a city shrouded in endless night and haunted by those dead the Spirit Wardens haven’t collected for incineration, all due to the cataclysm that shattered the sun and the gates of Death alike nearly a millennium ago. It is here that the blood of the mighty demon leviathans is harvested by crews of questionable sanity but certain courage, to be refined into the electroplasmic fuel that keeps the entire empire alive. And so it is here that the logbooks of the leviathan hunters can be found, stuffed full of auguries and prophecied routes and destinations, navigational charts, and weather predictions, all for the claiming of that most vital and thus valuable of resources. You are the Wraiths, a crew of canny scoundrels who know there is no route upwards in Doskvol’s society except audacious illegality. You’ve had middling success thus far, but today? Today you have a hot and reliable tip about where one of those logbooks may not be as tightly guarded as it should be. And you have the will and the cunning to see about stealing yourselves one hellacious windfall – provided you can get away clean, and find a buyer. Blades In The Dark is a narrative-first system about the daring exploits of rogues and scoundrels in a dark, haunted, industrialized Victorian city filled with rival gangs, arcane magics, and steampunk technology. It uses six-sided dice to resolve conflicts, with action driven by the fiction of the game. Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be Blades In The Dark, using the Forged In The Dark rules engine. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though anywhere from 1 - 4 six-sided dice and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or send me an email!
Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
The shining city of Ilrien, the pinnacle of culture and class in all the Principalities, is home to the six great Houses of the Esultare. You are courtiers and retainers to House Bastien, newly risen to the ranks of the Houses Major, not so newly ascended from an origin as humble street toughs and courtesans from the Twist. Your House knows its strength comes from its roots deep in the common clay of Ilrien’s citizenry – and a vessel of that clay, a friend with the ear of your House, is in need of your aid. Love, it seems, has struck between your friend and one of pure noble stock, a member of the family of House Lovell – a House and family that would never accede nor accept such a match. Will you place your thumbs on the scales of fate to help your star-crossed friend, or endeavor to ensure this unfortunate situation passes without harm to them? No experience necessary, pregenerated characters will be provided. Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be Court Of Blades, using the Forged In The Dark rules engine. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though anywhere from 1 - 4 six-sided dice and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to ask any questions here, or shoot me an email!
Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
The shining city of Ilrien, the pinnacle of culture and class in all the Principalities, is home to the six great Houses of the Esultare. You are courtiers and retainers to the House Al-Mari, originally come to this fair city as foreigners and strangers, now risen to power and prestige through strength and skill. Today, however, that power is under threat. Lowly city guards – mere Twistjacks, policing that rudest and meanest of districts – have dared to lay hands on one of our highest nobles! You, as our most capable and proven coterie of retainers, shall set this to rights. These mongrels bark about justice, as though the only justice in this world isn’t taken or won. They have not won. You will not let them. See our scion loosed from these chains, for the honor of House Al-Mari is at stake. Court of Blades is a game of Shakespearean high drama, skullduggery, and intrigue set in a magical Renaissance city full of political scheming and the flashing rapiers of dueling bravos. It uses the Forged In The Dark system like Blades In The Dark, a narrative-first system that relies on six-sided dice to resolve conflicts. No experience necessary, pregenerated characters will be provided. Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be Court Of Blades, using the Forged In The Dark rules engine. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though anywhere from 1 - 4 six-sided dice and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or send me an email!
Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
Missing: one professor, two grad students, and the answers to a bunch of questions. That’s what’s happening around campus this week. Neither the city police nor the campus’ own security have much to say on the matter, and it’s barely a blip on local news. Except a friend of yours, another grad student, supplies some rumors on her true crime podcast – rumors about bloodless bodies being found, and maintenance staff having gone missing as well. Your team of experienced monster hunters knows enough to suspect there’s something more at play here than an unplanned sabbatical… Monster Of The Week is a Powered By The Apocalypse game, using fiction-first narrative and a pair of six-sided dice to drive the action. Expect to investigate a mystery and ultimately slug it out with whatever lurks at the heart of it! No experience necessary, pregenerated characters will be provided. Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be Monster of the Week, using the Powered By the Apocalypse rules engine. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though a pair of six-sided dice and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to ask any questions here, or reach out via email!
Tim Voelkel
Apr 14, 2024
In CAG/ SaH at Gen Con 2024
Cat Island Wildlife Refuge, not terribly far outside Baton Rouge, doesn't usually host many fatalities in any given year - but no fewer than three people have gone missing in the last three weeks. Quietly, through back channels, the US Fish & Wildlife Service has put out a call for big game hunters to come to the area, and clarified that "missing" in these cases means "missing enough bits and pieces when found that it's easier to just list them as missing until this is resolved". They seem to think it might be some sort of exotic animal escaped from a zoo or from being someone's conversation pet. Your group of vigilante monster hunters knows there are things out there far stranger and more dangerous than that explanation, and this has all the hallmarks of being your sort of situation. If you don't step in to stop this, there could be far more people going missing... Thank you for signing up for my game! This game will be Monster of the Week, using the Powered By the Apocalypse rules engine. All you'll actually need to bring is yourself, though a pair of six-sided dice and something to write with and on might be nice to have. Pre-generated characters will be provided, and no experience with the system is necessary. Please feel free to post any questions here, or shoot me an email!
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